Coffee Shop

Gladstone’s Land – Royal Mile (Edinburgh)

This is a very cool little place (so we thought) offering drinks, snacks and ice cream, with just a couple of tables (so we thought – theme here…). It was not ice cream weather so we just had coffees, Kerry had a flat white and I had a cappuccino. Kerry really liked the coffee, I wasn’t totally sold on it, too much froth and then when I did dig down to the coffee I found it rather bland and tasteless.

The location is excellent for watching the world pass by, and just a little further on is a guy with birds of prey – owls, hawks, even a golden eagle, which was awesome. The staff were friendly and as mentioned we thought it was just a small place – just the bit in the picture really. But once we’d finished drinks and went to the toilets it turned out there was a large inside seating area and it is part of a National Trust museum! It also has accommodation which is rather advanced for what we thought was just a coffee shop.

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